
The volume of a cube depends on the length of its sides. This can be writtenin function notation as v(s). What is the best interpretation of v(4)= 64? A. 4 sides of the cube have a total length of 64 feet.B. A cube with side lengths of 4 feet has a volume of 64 cubic feet.C. A cube with a volume of 4 cubic feet has side lengths of 64 feet.D. 4 of these cubes will have a total volume of 64 cubic feet.​

Accepted Solution

Answer: B. A cube with side lengths of 4 feet has a volume of 64 cubic feet. Step-by-step explanation:We know that the volume of a cube is the cube of the side-length.Given : The volume of a cube can be written  in function notation as v(s).The formula to find the volume of cube having sides as 's' will be :-[tex]\text{V(s)}=s^3[/tex]Then, the expression [tex]v(4)= 64[/tex], represents that for side =4 units , the volume of cube is 64 cubic units.Hence for unit = feet , it represents that  A cube with side lengths of 4 feet has a volume of 64 cubic feet.